About Susan
Susan Dunnigan is a social worker, parent and advocate for inclusion. Her son’s disability-related challenges merged personal and professional worlds. Candour, sensitivity, empathy and passion infused every crevice of her world. Susan’s 40-year career was devoted to working in support of marginalized populations. Half of her professional life was in the field of developmental disability, spanning service delivery, policy development, implementation and accountability.
Susan adamantly believes that when a person’s disability defines their life, patronization and limited visions dominate and stifle capacity. Her book, WARRIOR ANGEL Beyond Disability: A Family’s Quest for Ordinary reflects the depth and breadth of her convictions.
Susan’s book, blog and presentations candidly share her extensive personal and professional journey, while walking in the presence of people bearing the label disabled. She cautions people to be wary of those bearing simple solutions to complex issues. While Susan doesn’t have answers, she does recognize guideposts and landmines on the landscape.