
Family Advocacy: Up Close & Personal

Presented by Susan Dunnigan at Inclusion BC's annual conference in Surrey, on May 28/22

“An engaging speaker who was easy to understand and clear on her topic.”

"Loved the stories!"

Complexities of Advocacy

Presented by Susan Dunnigan at a Fairmont staff retreat, on Sep 28/22.

“Susan’s presentation was a unique and powerful portion of our retreat.”

"Very moving!"

June 11, 2021

Hi Susan,

Thank you!

Thank you for your wonderful reading from Warrior Angel. It precipitated a lovely discussion yesterday, it was very enjoyable. Your reading was lively and engaging, and poignant and funny. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share your experience. It was also fascinating to hear about the evolution of writing the book.

Claire Paradis

Nakusp Library Director

The Dunnigan family's persistent pioneering quest to create a life-path of 'ordinary' for Matt reminded me of the preciousness and precariousness of 'ordinary'. Although I'm aware of many issues around disability, immersion in the history of your advocacy, based on your inner values, shifted and broadened my perspective. This book needs to be required reading in colleges and universities that are educating students for social service work.

Sally Hammond

What was first evident for me in reading Warrior Angel was the revealing honesty of the author. From this honesty arose a vulnerability that is unusual to find in the pages of books. For me, that vulnerability created an intimacy with the author and her family that allowed me to relate to the issues of disability as I previously had not experienced.

This book shares possibilities that are typically not considered within mainstream agencies assigned with the care of people who are differently-abled and would be beneficial reading for those who work within those agencies.

Randy Cofer

Bookclub Discussions

Gateway Gals Bookclub -May 30, 2021

What started as a suggestion to gather with a few friends, turned into a book club meeting over ZOOM with 8 people. What a different experience it was having the author of the book included in the discussion; a first for me.Members were quickly engaged and asked questions about the author and her family. We were all so engrossed in the conversation that it lasted 2 hours!

Susan’s openness and insight into her family’s story proved to be a learning experience for us all, no matter where we came from. I encourage others to invite the author and continue the conversation to further explore your reading journey.

Betty Hahn-Sidor